What is Drug Rehab?

Drug rehab is the therapeutic process of psychological or medical therapy for addiction to psychoactive drugs including prescription medications, street drugs like cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines, and heroin or other street drugs. The term drug rehab also encompasses counseling, social support and education as part of the treatment. Drug rehab centers offer a variety of treatment programs to meet the needs of all patients. Most centers offer at least one residential treatment center and group therapy sessions. Make sure you call drug rehabs now for more details regarding their therapy sessions.

Drug rehab is based on a philosophy that a person can recover from drug and alcohol abuse if he or she can address the underlying causes of substance use, develop new coping skills, and acquire new behavioral patterns. Many studies have shown that drug rehabilitation leads to improved social functioning, higher self-esteem and coping skills, less exposure to negative influences, and more confidence and motivation to return to active and productive lives. A comprehensive treatment plan involves participation in community activities, individual and family counseling and therapy, group therapy or dual treatment (using medicinal and non-medicinal treatments). Residential treatment usually lasts about two to eight weeks.

Many people who suffer from addiction choose to enter a drug rehabilitation program because they are ready to make life changes and commit to sobriety. These individuals and families have suffered physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. Some are also addicted to prescription medications. Treatment options include detoxification, medication management, social service referrals, education, and group therapy. Individuals and families are encouraged to undergo treatment under the supervision of a trained medical specialist, or if possible, the assistance of an addiction specialist such as a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Drug abuse does not just refer to drug use; it also encompasses the act of dealing with addiction and returning to a normal or healthy lifestyle after a period of addiction or abuse. The recovery process entails various aspects of the patient’s life. This can include lifestyle changes, such as abstaining from substance abuse or alcoholism. Changes in diet and increased exercise can also help reduce the risk of relapse. Family therapy and support from within the addict’s circle of friends and family is also extremely important.

There are two main types of addiction recovery treatment : the 12-step program, which calls for personal and spiritual change; and the community reinforcement approach, which concentrates on cognitive and behavioral treatment options that lead to the successful treatment of substance abuse or alcoholism. In the 12-step program, patients and their family members take an active role in deciding how to apply treatment decisions. In the community reinforcement approach, individuals and families are taught how to reinforce the treatment choices that work.

Both of these approaches can be very effective. However, it is important for individuals and families to remember that the first steps toward drug detoxification and alcohol detoxification should not be taken by themselves. A combination of therapy and support is highly recommended for long-term success. Explore more details about rehabilitation hospital here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rehabilitation_hospital.

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